“After reading this book my understanding and love
for this sacrament has increased exponentially.“
As a seminarian, it has always been extremely important for me to learn as much as possible about God’s gift to us in the sacraments, which are the basis of our Catholic Faith. I always knew that confession was an extremely important sacrament because it allowed me to receive Holy Communion if I had previously fallen into sin. So, during my seminary preparation, I focused primarily on what I had always perceived were the core elements of confession: sin and forgiveness.
While it’s true that these are two important parts of this sacrament, Vinny Flynn, in his book, 7 Secrets of Confession, effectively points out that there is so much more! After reading this book my understanding and love for this sacrament has increased exponentially. Instead of viewing confession as merely a “prerequisite for Communion,” I now understand it for what it really is: a process of healing and education. Forgiveness is simply the first step in a whole process of healing and holiness through grace.
If we view confession in this way, our hearts and minds can be changed, transformed into the likeness of God. Confession is not just about our bad behavior; rather, it’s about our relationship with God. Since I want to strengthen this relationship, what the book emphasizes has definitely come true for me: I now “want” to go to confession rather than just believing I “have” to go to confession.”
Additionally, Vinny’s book helped to reinforce the understanding that nothing I do (even serious sin) can change God’s love for me. As Vinny explains, God’s love is like the sun that never stops shining — it’s up to us whether we turn to this light and warmth or turn away from it. Reflecting on this, and gaining a better understanding of the grace effected by the sacrament, will not only help me receive the fullness of God’s grace in the confessional; it will also help me greatly in my preparation to administer the sacrament as a Catholic priest. Thank you, Vinny!
Br. Chris M. Alar, MIC
4th Year Theology
Dominican House of Studies
Washington, D.C.