If you have been touched by our ministries and share our desire to reach out to others, we invite you to become partners in ministry with us.

MercySong is a 501(c)3 Catholic not-for-profit apostolate, and we are largely dependent upon donations to support our work. We rely on individual gifts and monthly pledges to cover salaries, health insurance, basic operating costs, and administrative tasks so that we can devote our time and energies to our mission of healing. If you have been touched by our ministries and share our desire to reach out to others, we invite you to help in whatever way you can. Below are 7 ways you can become a partner in ministry with MercySong!
(All material gifts are 100% tax-deductible. Just use the form to the right, email us any time, use our contact form, or call us at 413-441-7333. Thank you!)
1. Be a Social Media Guru!
(Buttons to Facebook and Twitter at the top of every page on the sunrise picture.)
Social media is the place to be now, and millions of people on there are longing to hear some good news and be inspired! And, while it has its pitfalls, there are some incredible things that have happened through networking on Facebook and Twitter. There’s so much misunderstanding out there, and so much hurt. We need to share the teachings of the Catholic church revealed in their full beauty! Our world needs to hear the message that God has a plan for each person, that we are made for heaven, that serving Him leads to a life of joy, that our pain and suffering is of great value, and that our God is a Father, rich in mercy. Help us reach them! Seriously, you don’t need to be a guru. Just click, click, click.
Three things you can do that take 10 seconds of your time:
Like. Share. Comment.
All you have to do to help in this mission is join us on Facebook and “like” our posts, “share” them, and leave a quick “comment” as often as you can on any post you think is worthwhile. You wouldn’t believe how much this helps! (Facebook has a built-in algorithm that decides how many people it shows a post to depending on how many other people like, share and comment. The more people do those three things, the more Facebook shares the post. It’s that simple.)
2. Join our “MercySong Partners” Club (or just make a one-time contribution).
Your gift, large or small will be immediately acknowledged, and all gifts are 100% tax-deductible. If you pledge $25 or more per month, you become a MercySong Partner and receive personal ministry updates and a free advance copy of every new product release. Your tax-deductible donation will be processed automatically each month from your credit or debit card. Just use our simple and secure online form to the right, which uses Paypal’s advanced security measures. You do not need a paypal account to use it either.
4. Got Stuff? Make a Gift-in-Kind.
A Gift-in-Kind is a non-cash, tax-deductible gift, such as air miles, vehicles, musical instruments, computer, digital camera, office equipment, etc. Since we went into full-time ministry years ago, we have continually prayed that God would provide for whatever needs we had. He has never let us down, which is one of the ways we knew He wanted us to continue in this work! If you are a frequent traveler with extra air miles, are moving or downsizing, or simply have things you think we may be able to put to good use, contact us to see if it’s perhaps just the thing we need at the moment. You may be God’s answer to our prayers!
5. Thinking of the future? Plan a Special Gift.
Contact us for information about planning a Special Gift, such as real estate, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, life insurance, charitable gift annuities, wills, living trusts, etc. For instance, we have been looking for land for a retreat center for a long time now, and we also know that one of the ways many people participate in work they believe in, is by leaving the organization something in their will. We will put all gifts into God’s hands and ask Him how He wants us to use them, in order to reach the people who most need to hear the message of mercy and healing.
- Many are discovering that giving stocks, exchange traded funds (ETFs), or mutual funds can save them money on two types of taxes: 1.) They avoid all capital gains taxes. 2.) They receive a full income tax deduction for the value of the stock. You can actually save more than 50% of your gift in taxes!
- A qualified charitable gift from your IRA is another smart way to make a gift and potentially save taxes. If you are at least 70 and a half, you can have your IRA custodian distribute funds directly to charity. That amount can satisfy the required minimum distribution (which anyone over 72 must take to avoid a severe tax penalty), but it can be any amount up to $100,000 per year.
Quick access info for you and your advisors:
Legal Name: MercySong, Inc.
FEIN (Federal Tax Identification number): 30-0186552
Full Contact Info Here
6. Be Neighborly … Reach out to others.
Give our Books and CDs as gifts, tell everyone on your email list about our website, sign up and share our email newsletter each month (envelope button on sunrise picture above), and have us send catalogs to friends and relatives!
7. Pray Pray Pray.
Last but certainly not least, include us and our ministries in your daily prayers, that we may be more and more open to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit! We rely on your prayers for discernment in the midst of projects, strength during the fatigue of frequent travel, and perseverance in the midst of the difficulties of running a non-profit, trying to focus on ministry, and not stress about how the bills are going to get paid! We pray for our supporters daily and feel a great connection with them throughout our work.
All gifts are 100% tax-deductible
For more information or to sign up just use the easy and secure form to the right of this page. And you can always email us at: Vinny@MercySong.com or call us at: 1-413-441-7333. Thank you!