Not gonna lie. 2014 was a doozy. I’m thinking that was the case for a lot of people. I don’t know about you, but I find myself more ready than ever to enter a new year. Why? HOPE.
It’s been a bit fleeting this past year. I’d grasp onto it, see the light in the darkness of a year filled with physical ailments, medical tests, doctors, and anxiety that seemed to trounce any prayer or peace … and then one more thing would hit, and hope would be pummeled from my heart.
And whether or not you had specifically challenging personal difficulties this year, the world is enough to do some pummeling of its own. It seems like we’re surrounded by so much that could make us discouraged, fearful, cynical, and longing to distance ourselves from the reality around us.Like the Disciples hiding behind locked doors after the crucifixion.
And then there were the ones on the road to Emmaus. They didn’t recognize Jesus and were explaining to Him what they were discussing, why they were downcast, why their hope had been dashed. I imagine their tone like this: “Are you kidding me right now? You must be the only person who doesn’t know everything that’s been happening here.” I’m paraphrasing:) But I’ve been thinking about that a lot. We’re like that with our suffering, our waylaid plans, the news stories we hear every day. One side of our brain says, “Hope. All will be well.” And the other side says, “Are you kidding? Hope? Do you know what’s going on? Do you know what I’ve been dealing with here? And ummm hello, do you not see that the world is going to hell in a hand basket?” Sometimes that voice wins out, and there we sit. Overwhelmed. Doubting. Afraid. Without hope.
“But Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’
And when he had said this, he breathed on them
and said, ‘Receive the holy Spirit.'”
(Jn. 20:21-22)“He was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.”
(Lk. 24:35)“Then they said to each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us
while He opened the scriptures to us?'”
(Lk. 24:32)
Breathing. Breaking. Opening. That’s our life. It’s the gift of each breath. It’s the Holy Spirit, the Consoler. And Jesus, our Bread. He breathes into our brokenness. And the broken world, the broken heart, open to the touch of the Divine … and the Dawn from on high breaks upon us, filling us with Himself.
That’s our source of hope.
No matter how broken or messy our lives are, no matter how screwed up the world is and how hopeless it sometimes seems, it’s true: hope springs eternal. Why? Because the Eternal entered time. Hope entered time. And now nothing is hopeless. No one is hopeless.
And by this act of love, He showed us that there is a plan of love for each life, each person in time. A plan in time, and a plan for eternity. So each year, each day, each moment I have breath, I get to try to carry out that plan in time a little bit better, and see how it corresponds to that eternal plan of love. And thaaaat’s where our awesome New Year’s resolutions come into play! Let’s make a pact, here, now, to enter this new year with hope. I’ll pray for you and you pray for me.
St. Catherine of Siena said: “If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world ablaze.”
That’s holiness! God’s ultimate plan for me is to become holy by being intimately united to Him. This happens here on earth by becoming, with His grace, the person He created me to be!
Join me below in answering three questions I’m asking myself and writing down the answers to this week. (Make sure to put them in a place you’ll see them each day!)
1.) If God’s plan for my life here on earth is for me to become fully the person He created me to be, what do I need to DO to get there? In other words, what is ONE THING I can focus on this year that will really help me move closer to becoming that person?
More discipline, more patience, more charity, … less focus on material goods, less time watching TV, less negativity …?
2.) What specific plans does God have for my life here in time?
Look at your gifts, the desires of your heart, and maybe what people you respect have always mentioned as something that seems to fit with who you are. Even if you have your primary vocation set, there are always more ways God wants to use us within our day-to-day lives. Until we take our dying breath there is always time to move forward, attempt new things, to keep growing and changing. Choose ONE THING to do more of, try, work towards, etc.
3.) What is ONE THING I can make a habit of this year that will keep everything I do in time, immersed in the eternal plan?
If we don’t focus on eternity, it’s far too easy to forget that it’s our ultimate goal. It doesn’t have to be something hugely ambitious. Just choose one thing you know you can incorporate into your day or week. A morning act of consecration; An evening examination of conscience; Weekly confession; A paragraph of a spiritual book or 5 minutes reading the Bible each day. Pick one small thing and stick to it. You’ll be amazed at the difference it will make!